2023 Chill-Pro Spring Claims Highlights

10-year-old Centrifugal chiller. Cause of Loss: Variable Speed Drive failure.
DESCRIPTION: Power module for 100 HP VFD Starter failed. Further investigation revealed two burnt
spots in the power module. The cause of the burnt was electrical arcing in the power module. The main
drive assembly was replaced, and the chiller unit returned to service. The unit was repaired and

14-year-old Magnetic Bearing, screw chiller. Cause of Loss: Magnetic bearing compressor failure.
DESCRIPTION: Investigation revealed that on the date of loss – Turbocor Compressor Number 2 was
operating at high output temperature. The unit was shut down and found that rotor magnetic bearing
had failed. Turbocor compressor is not field repairable and requires replacement of the compressor. I
have attached to this report a diagram of how the magnetic bearings are configured in the compressor.
The manufacturer discounted the new compressor 32% after the core was returned. No other damage
noted to chiller other than compressor failure.

16-year-old air cooled Screw chiller. Cause of Loss: Screw compressor failed.
DESCRIPTION: Compressor bearings failed causing compressor motor to seize. Replaced compressor,
buss bars and fittings. Unit has been returned to service.

9-year-old air cooled Scroll chiller. Cause of Loss: Scroll compressor failed.
DESCRIPTION: Technicians were called out to the facility when the 210-Ton Scroll Chiller stopped working.
Initial inspection found that one of the compressors on the chiller unit had stopped working. Further
inspection of the compressor found that some of the contactors had welded closed. Due to the nature of
the contactors welded closed, they could not simply be replaced, the entire compressor needed to be
back to service.

25-year-old Reciprocating chiller. Cause of Loss: Reciprocating compressor pistons failed.
DESCRIPTION: Technicians were called to troubleshoot an issue with the 150-Ton Reciprocating chiller.
Technicians discovered that the suction line for the compressor had broken, and refrigerant was leaking
from the chiller unit. Technicians repaired the broken line and re-started the chiller.

Within 4 hours of restarting, the suction line was broken again, and more refrigerant was lost. Technicians repaired the
suction line to the chiller and restarted it. The technicians continued to monitor the compressor and
suctions line. It was later revealed that the compressor attached to the recently repaired suction line was
vibrating excessively. The vibrations caused another break in the suction line. Further investigation by
the revealed that the compressor had broken pistons. The broken compressor pistons caused the unit to
vibrate excessively causing damage to compressor suction line. A new compressor was installed, and the
chiller system returned to service.

Office: 800-704-7685
101 E. Washington Bl, 10th Floor
Fort Wayne, IN 46802