2022 Chill-Pro® Spring Claims Highlights

  • 9-year-old Air cooled Screw chiller. Cause of Loss: Circuit board arcing on mag bear compressor.

DESCRIPTION: Failure 250V DC power control voltage. Inverter A/C D/C converter for the low voltage controls shorted from power problems in the local area. This problem could have been associated with identical issues with chiller #2. Insured contact stated that power surge in the local area may have caused loss of control voltage for Chillers Number 1 and 2. No other damage noted to components other than chiller control voltage. The converter was replaced, and chiller unit returned to service.

  • 17-year-old screw chiller. Cause of Loss: Compressor seized, locked rotor.

DESCRIPTION: Chiller had a mechanical failure. The compressor was locking up and over amping chiller unit. The chiller compressor required replacement.

  • 9-year-old air cooled scroll chiller. Cause of Loss: Blower motor broken, bearing failure.

DESCRIPTION: 30 HP blower Motor was vibrating and over amping due to bearing failure. Bearing failure in the motor caused vibration that caused a failure in the mounting brackets and stress fractured a distribution tube in the refrigeration circuit.

  • 6-year-old air cooled scroll chiller. Cause of Loss: Broke hydronic coils due to vibration.

DESCRIPTION: Technicians found the condenser coil on the chiller unit leaking. Upon inspection of the condenser coil, they found that there were catastrophic ruptures in both the upper and lower coils. Technicians discovered that severe vibrations caused by the failing cooling fans (replaced during separate unclaimed repair), as well as high temperatures lead to the condenser coils rupturing. The condenser coils were replaced, and the unit has been returned to service.

  • 13-year-old centrifugal chiller. Cause of Loss: Cracked compressor check valve.

DESCRIPTION: Contractor stated that a check valve failed on Chiller #1. We confirmed through conversations with contractor that both valves on the chiller were damaged. The cause of loss was cracked plungers and displaced springs. The plunger and springs would no longer seat and hold pressure due to damaged valves. The check valves were replaced, and the chiller returned to service.

Office: 800-704-7685
101 E. Washington Bl, 10th Floor
Fort Wayne, IN 46802